Kins Domain Honeycomb

Welcome to Honeycomb Homestead, ‘Rodovo Imenie Medena Pita’.

We are Krasimir and Sophia and we have been living in this beautiful place for 10 and 8 years.

Our long term vision is co-creating, in partnership with our neighbours, a vibrant community for creation, learning and experimentation, with a series of permaculture edible forest gardens to cover this land in lush, beautiful, tasty abundance!

On our homestead we live simply in a small cob house we built, with a little lake, vegetable garden, orchard, forest trees, swales, bees and a lot of beautiful open sky over us.

We are 100% off-grid and have a solar panel for electricity, a ram pump for water, compost toilet, solar shower outside and a handmade rocket stove to heat our house using minimal wood.

We are currently planting a large swale system with mixed forest and fruit trees, propagating a wide range of plants in our nursery, grafting fruit trees, getting the gardens ready for seasonal vegetables, preparing our bees and new hives.

We are happy to share our experiences of living harmoniously with nature, voluntary simplicity, and our love for this land and all the wild life here.

We have completed our permaculture design certification and are implementing our design part by part and running permaculture courses here.

We also have knowledge of Natural bee-keeping, electronics and alternative technology, woodworking, clothes making, herbal medicine, holistic nutrition and more.

We really value and enjoy all the communal activities with our neighbours; sharing our dreams, raising the children together, helping each other with building projects, a shared garden on a river island, yoga, dancing, singing and celebrating!

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