
I. What brings us near Elhovo in the project- an experiment for a settlement of kin’s domains?

1. Buying up farmland around us (wasteland or farmed by farmers using chemicals, monocultures) and turning it into:

– Places to live for awakening and conscious families who like the palette and possibilities for creativity and lifestyle, giving the project Кin’s domain, described by the author Vladimir Megre

– Habitats for wild animals and birds, native plant species and those that are in the Red Data Book with protected or endangered species status

– Bank for old seed varieties and plants of vegetables and fruiting trees and shrubs

– Permaculture gardens, fruiting forests, agroforestry

– Fruit and vegetable gift (planting fruit trees and vegetables at the edge of each private plot of land, from which any passer-by can pick for free)

– Natural beekeeping

– Botanical garden

2. Restoring good practices (crafts, traditions, rituals) from the past and borrowing them from other conscious communities.

3. A place for children and adults to learn the above good practices (buy house, amphitheater, living tree house, old buildings- acquiring and using them)
4. Mutual help between families in raising and educating children (cooperative)
5. Love, creativity, beauty and reason manifested in the daily lives of the residents
6. Manufacturing assembling and giving the people a ram water pump powered by water, for irrigation and household.
7. Interaction with other communities and mutual assistance for conscious projects ( Dar Limetz, Let’s turn Bulgaria into a Garden of Eden, Let’s plant 1 million trees, Free exchange of old seed varieties, food cooperatives, Wake Up Festival, Bulgarian Sovereign, etc.) to turn the Earth into a Garden of Eden

II. History

So far, 2-4 families engaged in different themes of the project on an area of 30-70 acres.

Ura Gora Foundation has been established by two families living in the project. Several projects have been won through the foundation.

Several permaculture and forest-garden training workshops have been held with a guest teacher.

III. Present and future. Since 2018 we are working on:

– A more detailed vision for the project (written document, drawings, maps, songs, videos, poems)

– Creating a website and promoting the project to attract new participants, residents and supporters helping from a distance. Its translation into different languages.

– Common building for residents’ gatherings, sharing and training, presenting visiting projects, playing and teaching children in winter (dome)

– Improving the infrastructure of the place- roads, bridges, paths

– Purchasing land to connect to the project

– Improvement of living conditions in the place (buildings, energy, water, tools)

– Planting and maintenance of trees, shrubs and gardens and care of those already planted from previous years

IV. What can you help us with?

We would be glad of any outside help from supporters and sympathizers and people with open good hearts on the listed activities:

– volunteer physical help

– materials

– donations of finances

– website development and maintenance

– dome construction, etc.

V. How we can be helpful to other communities and individuals:
1. Sharing our experiences to:
– Natural childbirth and child raising, herbs, knowledge, books, exercises, etc.
– Permaculture, settling and starting similar projects in nature on farmland
– Ram water pump
– Natural beekeeping
– Trees – planting, ashlading, starting from seed, contact with their subtle bodies
– Herbs, diet and other practices to maintain family health
– Physical and energetic support of like-minded projects
– Our experience in the awakening community experiment

"The biggest step we need to take is to move from consumption to production, even on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do that, there will be enough for everyone. This explains the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the same system they attack, and who produce words and weapons rather than food and shelter." Bill Mollison

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