We are the joyful, healthy and conscious residents of the Community of Gratitude.

We are inspired by the wonderful idea of creating for ourselves and our children living spaces of Love, where they can grow up happy and responsible, creating consciously the good present and future of the Motherland. We understand that the modern way of life has led to a division between people, and between man and nature, from which many physical and spiritual problems arise. We have the desire, the wisdom, the inspiration and the will to turn problems into solutions, set a good example and handle challenges that arise with ease, guided by Love.

We are inspired by the ideas set forth in the books of V. Н. Megre from the Ringing Cedars of Russia series about designing harmonious places to live and best practices for joyful coexistence in community.

We create conditions that foster connectedness with the living universe and nature and living in joy and co-creation. In this way, we fulfill one of our purposes as humans and contribute to our physical and spiritual development in harmony with the interests of Mother Earth.

Our purpose, efforts and actions are aimed at creating a conscious community of a sufficient number of families sharing and applying similar and close principles of life and creating their own Family Estates (ideally about 150 families, as large as an average Bulgarian village used to be). This number allows and ensures stability and enough people who know each other and can make decisions together based on a reasonable and fair principle, development of infrastructure – roads, water, creation of training centers, sports grounds and shop to sell the surplus of the families, creation of green independent and common businesses, development of crafts, arts, holding festivals, trainings, holidays, mutual help in building houses and gravel roads.

One of our main causes here is: the restoration and reforestation of at least 50% of the territory with tree species, on the principle of Forest Garden, on agricultural land that has suffered, deforested, polluted and eroded by the methods used in modern agriculture. This is the main reason for choosing an area of predominantly agricultural land for the Benefice community.

To achieve this cause we use the permaculture design system. It involves many methods to create an abundant and symbiotic system using the patterns and intelligence of nature.

This system uses the following ethics that coincide with our vision:

Care for the Earth

Caring for people

Sharing abundance

We also use ideas and concepts such as: the Tiny House Concept – Small Passive and Efficient Houses and Voluntary Simplicity, Minimalism – we choose to consume only as much as we need without accumulating excess stuff. This way we can live happily and simply in nature.

We plant this conceptual image as a seed in the Earth and in the hearts of those who, inspired by it, join us. This is your seed, my seed, the seed of our future. May we grow strong and true.

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