Honeycomb homestead

We are Krassimir and Sophie from “Honeycomb Family Homestead” and we have lived in our beautiful place for respectively 16 and 13 years.

Krasi grew up in Sofia, but spent his childhood summers in the countryside. When he was seeking the direction of his life, he realized that he wanted to be in nature again, growing his own food and bees. 

Sophie grew up in London and has a passion for art. She became frustrated with city life and spent several years travelling and volunteering in different communities before arriving in Bulgaria where she found her place.

Our long-term vision is to create, in partnership with our neighbours, a community and a place for learning and experimentation, to cover the land with a rich and beautiful plants with a range of forest gardens, with an abundance of delicious food.

We use permaculture design and principles to develop our project.  We have completed a Permaculture Design Certificate course and Sophie is a permaculture teacher. It is important for us to share our experiences, collaborate and create together with other people with the same mission.

At our place we live modestly in a small house, with a lake, a vegetable garden, a forest garden (a synergistic combination of fruit and forest trees, herbs, shrubs and mushrooms), an apiary and a very beautiful sky above us.

We are off the grid – electricity from solar panels, ram water pump, composting toilet, solar hot water heater and rocket stove to heat the house with a minimum of wood.


We also have knowledge of natural beekeeping, electronics and alternative technologies, woodworking, clothing making, herbs, holistic eating, etc.

We value and enjoy all the common activities with our neighbors; sharing our dreams, raising children together, helping each other with building projects, sharing a vegetable garden, yoga, dancing, singing and celebrating!

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