Kin's Domain "Dobro Zdrave"


We are Geri, Kalin, Dobri and Zdravko. Both Kalin and I were born in big cities and have lived abroad part of our lives as adults. We are philologists by profession – me with German and Kalin with Italian. Our languages brought us together in 2012 in another office in the capital. We had both begun our personal search for a better life, in harmony with the laws of nature, in peace and love. We decided to travel to places where people live, who left the big city and found their happiness in a small house in nature, where they eat clean food and their children live freely and happily in the fresh air. That’s what we dreamed of and soon we found a place where there were already a few such families and in 2014 we decided to buy land near them – in the community of Blagodatie in the eco-village near the town of Elhovo. In 2015 we got a caravan and left the big city. A year later our twins Dobri and Zdravko were born and we decided that it would be best to live in a rented house in the town of Elhovo. Elhovo until we could build and settle our own little paradise.
And the dream became a reality – in 2022 we finished our house after many difficulties and lessons and we moved into our own place. But dreams don’t end there, there are enough for a lifetime…even for several lifes.
Here’s our idea of the future:
VISION (DREAM) or the big picture:
Improving the living environment
MISSION (TASK) or our contribution to achieving the vision:
Sharing knowledge
AIM (ACTION) or the small steps to achieve:
– Building a self-sustaining ecosystem where plants, animals, children and adults help each other as part of a larger ecosystem-community.
– Building a school in nature for children of all ages in which they learn from nature, from each other, or from adults (the parent cooperative) who take turns being with them, or from traveling foreign people with different skills, or from experts intentionally brought in in a particular field.
– Building a base for organising children’s camps in nature.
– Building a health centre in nature – a place where outsiders can come to heal body and soul.
– Building a restaurant with homemade healthy food.
– Building a shop from which one can buy home grown food and handmade products.
– Building a community centre in Elhovo where people from the surrounding area can gather to make decisions using the sociocracy method or learn to use it, where various educational events can be organized for young and old.
– Natural child raising – through conscious, planned conception, healthy pregnancy, natural childbirth, breastfeeding and raising children in freedom, following their needs and desires

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